Thursday, July 18, 2019

It Won't Kill You

Someone posted a manuscript online and asked for opinions. I told him that his first paragraphs included a misplaced modifier, inaccurate nouns, ambiguous pronouns, non-standard usage, a sentence that would have gained from parallel construction, and a misuse of the subjunctive mood. Then I told him that he should study grammar, and offered a link to a useful book.

He deleted the manuscript.

Several weeks later, he posted the manuscript again, without revision. I pointed out the same flaws, and once again offered a link.

He deleted the manuscript.

I have to wonder what he expected. Did he think the bad writing would heal by itself? "Oh look, it got better!"

Listen: when I tell you that you need to study grammar, I'm not insulting you, I'm not calling you an idiot, I'm not hinting that you're a lousy human being; I'm telling you that you need to study grammar.

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