Monday, May 16, 2022

Abortion Rights

I believe that women have an inherent right to control their own bodies, and, in consequence, their own reproduction. I support their unrestricted access to contraception in all forms, and this includes abortion.

But something else comes into play, here:

As a heterosexual man, I support the readiness and reliability of contraception, which also helps to maintain my control over my own life. Even if I felt, somehow, perhaps in some hellish parallel universe, that women had no right to secure their own freedom, I would certainly want to ensure mine.

For this reason, I can't understand why any man would want to limit the reproductive freedoms of a woman. Does every man want to be a father, every time? Pardon my skepticism.

Yes, abortion is a woman's right, but the right to control reproduction belongs to all of us. People who restrict abortion are the enemies not only of women, but of men.

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